Kodi at the Chaos Communication Congress

Photo from 36C3 web page, by Yves Sorge, Flickr

Kodi at the Chaos Communication Congress


Team Kodi

December 25, 20191 min read

For the next few days the 36th Chaos Communication Congress, the largest hacker conference in Europe, is held in Leipzig, Germany. Organized by the Chaos Computer Club, it features a lot of tech related talks and assemblies.

Kodi will be represented by Sarbes, one of our Python developers. A talk about the project is scheduled at 3pm on the first day, at the ChaosZone (https://cfp.chaoszone.cz/36c3/talk/V83NXN/).

If you happen to be at the congress, Sarbes can be reached via our IRC channel (#kodi @freenode). Feel free to reach out to him to ask questions and/or to buy him a beer.