A Call for XBMC writers

A Call for XBMC writers


Nathan Betzen

September 18, 20111 min read

As you may have noticed, our blog has often been lacking in content, outside of the occasional Feature Friday. We would like to change that. Starting right now, we will begin accepting applications for up to five XBMC writers. The pay is terrible (i.e. you will not get paid), and you probably won’t get a lot of respect, but at least the hours aren’t bad!

XBMC Blogging IdolThe XBMC home page is viewed approximately 30,000 times a day. As an XBMC blogger, you will be seen by over 400,000 unique visitors per month. People will probably start randomly buying you drinks in fancy and exclusive bars. Also, if you have an idea for an interesting story, even our angriest and scariest developers (who need no introduction) might be nice to you, if you ask them questions.

At least three of the previous sentences are true.

For those of you interested, here are the rules. We will be accepting applications from now until Monday, October 2nd. Because this isn’t a paying job, we don’t really care about resumes. Instead, we’d like you to send us two things: a brief paragraph introducing yourself and your relationship with XBMC, and an XBMC-related article. If you’d like to include a link to your current blog, feel free. All submissions should be sent to contact AT xbmc DOT org [escapeemail email="[email protected]