XBMC Official Merchandise Store

XBMC Official Merchandise Store



May 06, 20041 min read

we are glad to announce the xboxmediacenter projects official online merchandise store open. the store is hosted by cafepress and offers xbmc merchandise such as t-shirt’s, hooded shirts, mugs and a few other goodies, all with the official xbmc logos (courtesy of tamper). currently the store is a small personal shop with only a few selected items however it might be upgraded later to a premium shop with a much larger selection if enough interest is shown in the store and xbmc merchandise, (who knows, we might even be able to publish an xbmc user-manual and/or demo cd’s through that store if those are made in the future). know that any profits will go to support xbmc development and the projects existence, so when you purchase anything from the store you are making a small contribution, thank you.