Kodi attending FOSDEM 2015


Kodi attending FOSDEM 2015



January 28, 20151 min read

Hey girls and guys,

Here is a quick shoutout to any software developers attending FOSDEM ’15 in Brussels this weekend.
A few Kodi Team members will be attending the Free and Open Source Software Developers European Meeting 2015.
We have a stand, and will be holding a presentation on both Saturday and Sunday. Come and visit us!

We will be setting up a small stand in the AW building of the FOSDEM location at the ULB Solbosch Campus, where you can find us on both Saturday and Sunday.
Interested developers are welcome to meet us there to discuss the Kodi code architecture, options for improvements, and more.

Furthermore, we will be giving two presentations on the history and future of Kodi. The dates and times of the presentations are :

  • Saturday in room H.2213 (16:15 to 16:40) (details).
  • Sunday in room H.2215 (12:00 to 12:15)* (details).

*) Because the second presentation is only 15 minutes, we will skip over some parts. There will also be less (if any!) time for questions. You are of course more then welcome to visit us in the AW building after the talk has finished to ask your questions.


If you are interested in seeing the talk(s) but not able to come (or not a developer) – both talks will be made available as video on the FOSDEM ’15 website.
We will update this post with the direct links to the videos as soon as they have been made available.

Looking forward to meeting some of you there,

Koying, Martijn and Kib